//Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
We are committed to protecting your privacy while on our website. The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you as to what information may be collected when visiting the site, how this information is used by us, how such information may be shared with a third party, and how you can edit, update, correct or delete such information.
Collecting personal information
The information collected through our website will help Orient Legacy Cruise., JSC
- Support customers when purchasing our products
- Troubleshooting customers
- Provide you with the latest information on our Website
- Review and update the content and interface of Website
- Conduct customer surveys
Implement promotional activities related to the products and services of https://orientlegacycruise.com
– To access and use certain services at https://orientlegacycruise.com , you may be required to register with our personal information (email, name, Telephone No. … ). All information declared to ensure the accuracy and legality.
– We may also collect information about the number of visits, including the number of pages you view, the number of links you click and other information related to the connection to Orient Legacy Cruise. We also collect information that Web browsers (Browser) you use when accessing the website https://orientlegacycruise.com , including: IP address, browser type, language use, and the time Browser address access to.